
祖堯BB、超英台長話你知 唔開冷氣一樣涼 9.26 無冷氣夜

香港無冷氣夜2013宣傳片  Promotional Clip of No Air Con Night 2013

「香港無冷氣夜」是環保觸覺一年一度的全港節能活動,透過以少用冷氣作為切入點,令市­­民明白減少使用空調,節約能源的重要,從而身體力行減少溫室氣體排放,加強環保意識­。­我們鼓勵全港市民參與,建議於今年9月26日由晚上7 時至翌晨7 時不開冷氣,當然在其他時間也該節約使用空調。

特別鳴謝 (按短片出場次序):

Hong Kong No Air Con Night is a territory-wide energy saving event to promote the wise use of air conditioning, in order to lower the emission of greenhouse gases. We sincerely invite everyone in Hong Kong to switch off their air conditioners for one night, suggested from 7pm on 26 September 2013 to 7am the next morning.

Special Thanks (in order of appearance): 
Mr. Joseph SUNG Jao Yiu, Mr. LAM Chiu Ying, Mr. Kenneth CHAN Ka Lok, Mr. PONG Yat Ming, Ms. Tanya Chan, Mr. Roy TAM, Mr. Oscar LAI Man Lok, Mr. YIP Kin Yuen, Mr. TAM Kwok Kiu